Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Tri-Poetry Collection; Soldiers of Foliage


Weeks of weak sleep tweak windows of the soul
How many sheeped sleepers does it take to make me whole
A fraction of the answers
In truth's tortured tenants lie
A quest to set me right again
Let me perch and let me fly
Let me work for what is mine
Let me search or let me die

Masks of the Wood 

Orphan masks make meloncholy motions upon my wall
I have not worn these faces in many years

No need

The business man
An idle seat of paperwork and filing undone

Currency calls

The maniac
Scattered and mentally see-sawed
What is right and what is wrong

The philosopher
Wrong is right and right is wrong

I'm sure of it

Forever thinking further
Forever correct in a galaxy of uncertain relativity

These masks wear themselves
Rooting deeply in the soul
An unconciously planted seed
Your mind
 is our mother earth


Worn is the willow tree
A frozen body
Sculpted by years of existence
upon a plane of soft earth
It's branches hang low
Weighed down by the sadness of fall
Emotionally weatherproof
My heart rests easy in the willow tree

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