Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Bøøk_0f_l¡fe (explicit-ly true)

Loose leaf layers
of palpable paper
 cluster fuck 
under surgically threaded spines

Basic blabber bubbles like jet black blood 

with tumors benign

A water warped mixture
 maintaining disorder
 betwixt chapters and lines

We all fall apart but never in time

There's always an error to fix
 a page to smooth out

A knot in the story
 that should just be unwound

Stop yourself here theres no errors abound

When its over
Its finished 

Put the book the fuck down
Photo ownership: Noah Calvani

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Tri-Poetry Collection; Soldiers of Foliage


Weeks of weak sleep tweak windows of the soul
How many sheeped sleepers does it take to make me whole
A fraction of the answers
In truth's tortured tenants lie
A quest to set me right again
Let me perch and let me fly
Let me work for what is mine
Let me search or let me die

Masks of the Wood 

Orphan masks make meloncholy motions upon my wall
I have not worn these faces in many years

No need

The business man
An idle seat of paperwork and filing undone

Currency calls

The maniac
Scattered and mentally see-sawed
What is right and what is wrong

The philosopher
Wrong is right and right is wrong

I'm sure of it

Forever thinking further
Forever correct in a galaxy of uncertain relativity

These masks wear themselves
Rooting deeply in the soul
An unconciously planted seed
Your mind
 is our mother earth


Worn is the willow tree
A frozen body
Sculpted by years of existence
upon a plane of soft earth
It's branches hang low
Weighed down by the sadness of fall
Emotionally weatherproof
My heart rests easy in the willow tree

Saturday, October 24, 2015

Dream One

We all have dreams
of visiting foreign places

 of fragmented

Quilts of the mind

We joyfully experience these wonderful lands but rarely recall them
Let alone return
This evening I visited an abandoned aquarium turned bar and gym

Empty tanks of enormous proportion lined the walls as sparkling floors led twisting and winding like a snake's belly

The halls were empty

As were the rooms

By coincidence or some mishap of fortune I found myself in a very lively but depressing bar

Music of some untold western droned eerily as I took in the familiar patchwork faces of forgotten passersby

The cat-like curiosity of my eyes set upon commotion between two sets of father and son their networth no less than a million a piece

As quite literally push came to shove the feint voice of the tender could be heard

Okay get the bull

With that the room was cleared of fabricated Frankensteins as they hobbled awkwardly toward doorways with recognizable stride

I too quickly exited suspiciously anticipating danger from within

Peering in from the doorway's entrance I took in short metal fences forming a rectangle and encasing two of the men
a mechanical bull sliding back and forth
knocking them about as they drunkenly grappled over forgotten conflicts

My cover was blown as I was immediately shooed away leaving me to tour the deserted desert of the aquarium

I passed rooms filled with gym equipment dusty and frequently used weights alike

Following numerous exit signs I came upon a short escalator and began my descent
as behind me a young boy clutching a gym bag his face flustered from exercise and riddled with fresh scrathes commented

Yeah i dont know why we put that there referencing the bar from whence I had come


I don't remember seeing him there

Friday, October 9, 2015

Crystal Galaxy

I recall quiet memories of the summer's noise, like a butterfly drifting through a hurricane. A door was closed while a third eye was opened, bearing visual to vast landscapes of orange tsunamis over blue mountains, the clouds brushing its peaks like a painter's tool. The world turned upside down, revealing color in places it had never been before. Nooks and crannies transformed into artistic backdrops of reminiscent expression, while the main halls became guest rooms, visited on occasion.
"I'm only staying for awhile."
My  mind has wondered since color replaced guilty pleasure and happiness fought for sanity. The patterns in the pathway's bricks have become clearer. They wrap around me like a safety quilt. "I'm only staying for awhile."
Intricate patterns of answers to questions forged an eternity ago like a cursed sword, the blade cutting through reality as the line is blurred between this world and the next. It's beautiful out here, inside these liquid walls. The boundaries move with my existence,  while whispering voices guide me toward dimly lit bedrooms, another's dimensional headquarters. Spacial suits are thrown casually on beds, awaiting the next endevour, shoe's soles worn away, just like mine, as exploration replaces safety.
The crystal galaxy is beneath me.

Diamond in the Rain

She wept, and in her weeping came to love again, came to see the light from foreign lands, came to put her fingers within those strong rough hands, to walk the shore and feel the sand.
Across echoing caverns of lonliness and forests of fear, mountains of sadness and lakes of tears. Foreign lands to happy men, but come to by all time and again. Places visited, touched on like the claws of a gull on the ocean's surface, but leading nowhere, dead ended. worthless. The true way is paved with joyful thoughts and merry laughter, fairy tale roads of happily ever after. The way is straight. Difficult, never sleeping. Try it. Stand up, smile while you're weeping.


After the last of it crumbled to dust
It was forgotten
Left to rot
Pizza crust
I tried to rekindle
I tried to mend
The glue lessons of never again
Never again like fighting a lion
If you fail you die, but kudos for trying
Trying like an educated guess
Pick C, solve here
I'm taking this test
Test like the limits of your imagination
Not your thoughts, my words, another's quotation
Quotation like the words you're hearing right now
Listen, have seat, I'm finished

A Crooner's Chant ///iloveyou

A blue moon's kiss
Upon a starry night
Curtains billow
In the winds of lover's sighs

This world is made for wishes
Dreams come true
And the moment i saw you
There was a glance and I knew

Lost in your eyes dear
There's not another's I'll find
That can catch me so quickly
And hold for all of time

So hold me tighter
Oh, Keep me warm
The cold can never hurt you
As long as our love endures

I was sold in a second
But even years can't deny
That wherever your heart lies
So does mine
And wherever you go love
So will I


Ratchet crafted smoke stacks watch over shoulder text backs while waxed smiles welcome hacked laughs and washed out women give lap dances to withering grim grey grime dripped ghetto gas capped face masks of past fads

The last of the first lads

Who's ballots first cast

Pointless dedication to an hourglass massed of ivory and ebony classed plast

Yet another ass blast to be sent back packed and top heavenly to fast cabs of vast jealousy

Regulated Order

Conscious efforts to create emotions of sullen want cannot blanket the thickness of subconscious desire

Window panes crack under the pressure of one thousand suns
A family too large for instinctual lessons taught in fireside manner like stories of untold riches

When did this lack of luck come about
Or has it truly occurred

The dew still rests on these thoughts

A morning of mourning
But for what
We haven't lost anything yet

The tiles are still intact

Murals of historic methods grasp my interest as i seek for answers to answers

A questionable mark sits on the edge of sentinel sentences militarily launching bullets of points to the un expectant citizens of earth
Commas and periods ending their already non existent and fictional lives

Stories depict ruthless leaders as they collect the heads of headless enemies
Bankrupt musings of a warriors last wishes upon an eggy landscape of gluttony

Correct me if I'm wrong but these hands feed on want


Awoken and mismatched
Quilted and superior
Your hands have not been calloused by self interest but instead remain soft with the work of laborous intellect

Quiet bars hold the biggest secrets
Numbered streets housing dusty haired women of the moon
Pleasure seeking for someone else's joy

The contents of your wallet strewn in alley ways as if praising your bladed unluck

Switch back to hatchback parlors of rum runners with black and white coat tails creeping uneasily through murky wormholes to kitchen infested cockroach nests

Its time to drink to the sober lies and drunken truths of man's wobbly future filed away like receipts received last winter wondering if you'll find love again

A second wife was all it took to realize the value of cigarettes leftover on dressers cluttered by the change of time pockets and sceptical spectacles reflecting the endless noir of private eyes

Mirrors of nothing remain forever inhabiting an empty mind


Fly like the finished perch of bald eagles and urban doves diving toward crumbs of infant sandwhiches
A lunch meat unknown to mortal man

Join the processed precession of crafty individuals inserting flavored liquids into the deli wheels of orbital customer's satisfaction chambers

Complex facial complexions eerily distort realities
Smiles match flame-like shadow dances on tapestries of happiness

Fret not

Sadness does not define tears
tearing the blanket of being like wolves gnashing illusively at shiny rainbow moons

Crafty kids sketch smokey landscapes of sunken eyes below tainted red table tops filled with suave breakfast platters of chrome and jazz infused civil liberties
Moments of monetary thirst riddle pridefull enthusiasts as jailhouse doors fall into puddles of taxed oceans

Tree hugging sensationalists rationalize acid influenced images to veterans of future wars while Heaven's trumpets drown out Darwin's hypothesis live in Vegas and studio audience's canned laughter can be heard miles off

It's 5 am and I'm not thinking of you
Incarcerated minds reduce fractional processes in decaffeinated hours
Cold sweated snores end abruptly as wide eyes search walls of framed monstrosities and stone demons gargling fine wines of Elsyium's 1 percent


Comments of comets fly across verbal horizons like a placid spacial water ship negativity inhibits safe travel
As forever morphing torsos of mutilated corpses tour the tattered halls of Houdini's escape plans


I dont think in thoughts
I think in ashes
A trail of chips lead money eyed freaks to jesus' doorstep while wild eyed supporters wave photos of bankrupt sheikhs

Want not and wonder a dozen times over

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Snow Day

I awoke to the alarm's loud sounding blare, intruding, impolite, but I couldn't care. Excited for sleep, rubbing groggy, tired eyes, I open the shudders and peered outside.
Daydreaming late of ground covered white, I had hoped it would snow many feet in the night.
Expecting a cancel, or maybe delay, I hadn't done homework for the next day.
As my eyes adjusted to the sun's warm rays, I let out a sigh, for to my dismay, no blankets of wintery goodness did lay. Instead, the ground was frozen and dry, more than my pillow upon which I cried. Suddenly, my gloom was interrupted as I heard a faint ring, a call from the school, the forcasting wing.
"School's out for the day" a robotic voice said, it couldn't be true, it was all in my head.
Then I remembered, I live in virginia, where snow is a fantasy and an inch'll kill ya.
Yes, good ole' va, not jersey or maine, they'll cancel for anything, hell, even rain!