Thursday, April 11, 2019

What are slots

I relaxed to half packs and lab rats half assed in hazmat all blast with no mask all blessed with no facts

Barely breathing barely seeing barely burning barely feeling

Parceled brain dead thoughts shot rock tossed ripples cross waters sloshed waters flushed waters lost
What is lost what are slots what's our cost but withered thoughts

When is doubt allowed to foster

Stop before it holds your posture

Crippled mind your only monster

Regent recluse reaping pleasure bleaching quilts and breaching pleasure reaching stilts of reaping tether creeping up to meet my feathers pressure's fears are frequent terror father's tears forget my error love is deep see forever see the far and see the fairer learn to be your own seafarer


A thirst for expression
A search for exception
Discerning a lesson through purging perception
Diverging intention
In turn comprehension
But serving a question
alluring attention
Infectious inspection
enduring connection
A surge of affection in all its direction
Perfection's reflection obscuring pretension
Projection of words in three dimensions
A lifetime of work
Historically mentioned

Explicitly Endured

Chest caving in

Pinpointed pressure from within

A heavy sort of leaded breath
Too short
Too quick expecting death

A primal
Dirt under fingernails kind of emotion
Wild eyes with no precaution

Talk is not cheap betwixt brains and action

A bashful lapsing unholy happening of mostly gnashing preceding slashing reducing padding producing a maddening battling haphazardly saddening cold to the touch but warm to the strike light in the night fucking terror to itself trying to get by and crying for help prying and lying and writhing in filth driving denial and picking up guilt too late for emotions all milk has been spilt
Split bad and dope sad no hold back for broke fads fake sad invoked trash whiplashed by fake grass fake gold just wrapped brass fake goals like gym class fake hold on soul loads solo and so low but so high and so cold sad eyed and totalled

Thursday, February 2, 2017


I've come to terms with the shape in the corner of my eye
The silhouette in dark as I pass by

The bringer of a presence when none is about 
Its softest of whispers that yet make me shout

Its always there when I'm home alone
Or feeling for lightswitches in others abodes

Its in the kitchen rattling drawers
Between shirts and jackets
Open closed closet doors
Tapping on walls
Tiptoeing on floors

At the end of the hallway?
Behind me now 


Turn around in an instant
Darting eyes are not slick 

That light does not fade it
The dark seems to shift

The corners of the room
From ceiling to floor

Its now in the attic of which I knew not before

The curtains are drawn
Wrapped up all in bed

Its still at the window
Or maybe my head

It'll grab at my feet if I leave them exposed
The void under all furniture is what it calls home 

'I must stay away'
I think
'What if it gets all too near'

Stories of murder is all that I hear


While I'm asleep I know it whispers in my ear
And the blankets are no armor
Then so close to my body? and only it leers?

Perhaps all that it wants is it's dear it calls fear
A monster in mindset 
Only weak will can it spear

And all I am doing is feeding...


...It's really here

Friday, November 18, 2016


You spin and you twist like a blurred photograph 

Burned in my mind and found with no map

The lights dim like November but with colors abound 

Still bright white like December 

All ready

A cold touch on my shoulder to a body so new
Feels like forever
If only you knew

Then in marches hope as if on blue cue

Water all thawed 
welcoming dew

Escaping crisp chains and darkest thoughts too

Smiles not heavy
but light without you

Leaping and soaring 
Springing ahead 

Warm feelings of freedom in orange and red

The hues become deeper as they linger and set

The colors heat tenfold 
Dew becomes sweat

My dreams are all boiling 

Bubbled blurs in my mind

Steamy hot memories of when you were all mine

Oh what I would do for your touch at this moment

Who would have thought that hope's brother was hopeless 

Though your presence is frozen I do miss your wholeness 

The boldest of coldness 

Knowing I'm weak as you are the oldest


When you were near your body was soulless
But in that blink of an eye dear
mine wasn't homeless

I do think of you

Timelines don't waver 

But the cold makes me shiver
and requires thick layers 

So for now stay away

Just do me this favor


I've seen this world for what it's worth
The sadness the violence the death and the birth
Unholy connections between life and this earth
Mutating the world from its core to the girth

You Watchdog, You (repetition repetition)

A pale pantomime of tomorrow's promises weeps under a stain glass crucifix made of chemistry beakers and paraphernalia
Bong water tears
His hands are taut and gaunt 
educated with rigamortise
Rewarded for prime performance with a hammer and pencil to hold so dear
Few hands still dance and sing 
upon the black and white smoke engine coffin that always brings
a lack of light that's too enticing 
Too embracing
Too inviting
A chance to play darts in the dark we say
A Defiance of daedalus
The results of after days
Front row seats to the Devils of depth and delusion
dancers demanding a next count of confusion
Illusive illusion 
Or a scene too big to believe

her majesty's explorative bow directs the orchestra 
A sorrowful tune
As curtains part
The scene lies before us

Chance is in captivity
12 years deep
Stuck between one dream and another
Our waking days spent waiting for slumber
Sordid soliloquies shape our thoughts
while colored patterns prance restlessly on undying textiles of our ancestry
Lapping up the waters of life as if it's very existence is not a carefully crafted and complex system put in place for your comfort in existence 
And what is comfort without enjoyment
You watchdog you
Standing in chilling winds awaiting an intruder that has no interest in petty wares
He lies in the same coffin with cold beads of sweat collecting on his brow
His eyes want to stay shut but the lack of light is too enticing
Too embracing
Too inviting
A chance to play darts in the dark we say
A Defiance of daedalus
The results of after days
Front row seats to the Devils of depth and delusion
dancers demanding a next count of confusion
Illusive illusion 
Or a scene too big to believe

her majesty's explorative bow directs the orchestra 
A sorrowful tune
As curtains part
The scene lies before us

Chance is in captivity
12 years deep


A mellow breeze drips from freshly painted finger nails as Aquafina teardrops brush through matted hair

Japan in the woods

Country stores betwixt neon salons 
Petty cons of Yakuza mob throngs

Tired eyes kept barely open 

Coping and scoping 


To endless gold fields of silver and bronze 
Long not forgetting their hazed and blazed pause

Just In ((2k15 compilation))


Your ceaseless intent is ever intensified by the immensely illiterate layers of patriotic cheer
The mask like smiles on everyone's faces are like cups filled with tears
An army of none spectating a mating no regard for the rear
When did paper beat rock
When did gun defeat spear
When did defense of the homeland take place with great fear
When did foreign invasion begin feeling so near 

Noah Calvani (internet Militia)


Politically bent news casters raffle patient beginners neopolitan coasters rolled perfectly before nasty campers renowned pale boiled networths completing ricocheted pantomimes bargaining necromancers remembering penthouse benches now carved restlessly

Remember a time when life was much easier 
When your words were not controlled
       And you could twist each vowel like a                                  mouthful of dinner

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Bøøk_0f_l¡fe (explicit-ly true)

Loose leaf layers
of palpable paper
 cluster fuck 
under surgically threaded spines

Basic blabber bubbles like jet black blood 

with tumors benign

A water warped mixture
 maintaining disorder
 betwixt chapters and lines

We all fall apart but never in time

There's always an error to fix
 a page to smooth out

A knot in the story
 that should just be unwound

Stop yourself here theres no errors abound

When its over
Its finished 

Put the book the fuck down
Photo ownership: Noah Calvani