Thursday, November 28, 2013


       A word that in itself describes our entire basis of communication.

       A word that describes itself and all others like it. A word that describes love, hate, survival, death, and everything in between.
A simple sound. A movement of the lips and pressing of the tongue, said differently across the world, but meaning the same thing: everything.

       Without words, the world would not be the same. People would be separate. People would not agree, collaborate or befriend. People would not communicate because they would not know.
Sure, there is sign language, absolutely things can be interpreted without being said. But in truth, words have been the saving grace of human contact, allowing the personal touch of one’s voice combining with another.
       Perhaps words have been the greatest invention by man, allowing him to speak with another of equal intelligence, forming a being between them of twice the knowledge. Within that being, all of the answers are held as each human being holds precisely half of all knowledge within their mind. With this full knowledge, we can accomplish many things for our people. We can learn to survive as a family, as a community, as a nation. With a collaboration of words we may discover the far reaches of reality and inhabit the edges of the world as our single-minded people grow in population, expanding our knowledge and spreading what we’ve mastered to those less fortunate and previously unable to gain the power of speech. With our growing family, we may move on to other worlds, building spaceships and military weaponry on the basis of rivalry. Rivalry due to communication, or lack thereof. While words have gotten us further than any have imagined, we must consider the toll it has taken on us. The deaths, the disasters, the misinterpretations.

"Bathroom Words" Noah Calvani

       Perhaps words have been the greatest failure mankind has ever fallen into, never able to free ourselves of another's thoughts and ideas. Without words, we are uninfluenced by those around us, unclouded by the worry and success of our neighbor. Uninterested in judgment and hatred from our enemy. No words can describe how unbelievably happy we would be in our simplicity. In our blindness. Some say ignorance is bliss, and it very well may be, but then again, those are just words. Words used to describe a world that we do not live in. A world that we have chosen not to understand.

       With a lack of communication, we are purely us. We are each individual, and with that, we hold half of all knowledge, more than enough for one human to contently survive.
We do not need all of the answers. We do not need to be together. We were born as an individual and we will die as so. But if we have chosen to live as one people. To survive as a family unit, and die in each other’s arms, we require a special bond. A secure language. A way of communication. A simple sound. A movement of the lips and pressing of the tongue, said differently across the world, but meaning the same thing: everything.


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