Thursday, April 11, 2019

What are slots

I relaxed to half packs and lab rats half assed in hazmat all blast with no mask all blessed with no facts

Barely breathing barely seeing barely burning barely feeling

Parceled brain dead thoughts shot rock tossed ripples cross waters sloshed waters flushed waters lost
What is lost what are slots what's our cost but withered thoughts

When is doubt allowed to foster

Stop before it holds your posture

Crippled mind your only monster

Regent recluse reaping pleasure bleaching quilts and breaching pleasure reaching stilts of reaping tether creeping up to meet my feathers pressure's fears are frequent terror father's tears forget my error love is deep see forever see the far and see the fairer learn to be your own seafarer


A thirst for expression
A search for exception
Discerning a lesson through purging perception
Diverging intention
In turn comprehension
But serving a question
alluring attention
Infectious inspection
enduring connection
A surge of affection in all its direction
Perfection's reflection obscuring pretension
Projection of words in three dimensions
A lifetime of work
Historically mentioned

Explicitly Endured

Chest caving in

Pinpointed pressure from within

A heavy sort of leaded breath
Too short
Too quick expecting death

A primal
Dirt under fingernails kind of emotion
Wild eyes with no precaution

Talk is not cheap betwixt brains and action

A bashful lapsing unholy happening of mostly gnashing preceding slashing reducing padding producing a maddening battling haphazardly saddening cold to the touch but warm to the strike light in the night fucking terror to itself trying to get by and crying for help prying and lying and writhing in filth driving denial and picking up guilt too late for emotions all milk has been spilt
Split bad and dope sad no hold back for broke fads fake sad invoked trash whiplashed by fake grass fake gold just wrapped brass fake goals like gym class fake hold on soul loads solo and so low but so high and so cold sad eyed and totalled